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Bola Ojo

WP7 Leader

Director and co-founder- Sickle Cell Disease Cohort Research Foundation(SCORE). SCORE is part of the ARISE Initiative as a collaborator and has been part of the internationally recognised sickle cell and thalassaemia conference for global faculty and delegates (www.scorecharity.com) which attracts over 300 delegates.
Research Interest: Sickle Cell Disease- International development.
Involved in strategic planning, health policy, advocacy, patient empowerment, Implementation science research tools and community development programs. Project manager on the EU-UNDP funded Sickle Cell Cohort Study: A Sustainable Pilot Scheme and oversaw its implementation under the Joint Migration and Development Initiative.
She was involved in the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Alliance and active in CVD prevention and control in Africa through the African Heart Network.
Her co-publications include “Neonatal Screening in Utilising Getting to Outcomes framework in SCD.”

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