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My name is Linda Nyiya Yari. I am a Nurse, Midwife / Genetic counselor at Sir Patrick Ibrahim Yakowa Memorial Hospital (SPIYM) SCD clinic, Nigeria, Kafanchan as my primary assignment for 11 years and my secondary assignment is in the Rural Hospital Fadan Kagoma SCD clinic Kafanchan as a program unit.

I was seconded to Guy’ & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, UK on WP4, Task 4.2, where my key objectives were to shadow professionals at the Trust and to learn and observe management of SCD in the UK.

During my secondment I also had the opportunity to observe genetic counselling practice in the community and learn about the NBS programme in England.

The new skills and knowledge I have gained during my secondment i would like to implement within our hospitals. I also plan to step it down and reach those that cannot be reached in the community and Rural settings.

I plan to contribute towards developing  pathways for Newborn screening and care, for sickle cell disorder in our facilities. The information and guidance I have received will help me improve the care pathways in Kafanchan.

As I prepare for my retirement next year, being part of ARISE will be one my greatest career achievements and will make history which I will celebrate and always cherish!!