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My name is Moses Mamman, a geographer by training with specialisation in population & demography at the Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, Nigeria.

I am seconded to The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) for 5 months (Dec 2019 – May 2020) to work on Tasks 5.6 & 6.4. Since starting my secondment I have undergone training on analytical software’s like STATA & Microsoft packages. With the help of my supervisor (Susana Scott & Paul Milligan) I have analysed my data and have made presentations of my findings. So far my team of supervisors have been very supportive which has made my secondment experience good so far.

On Thursday 27th February 2020, I had the opportunity to attend a live demonstration of the UK Newborn Screening System at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital. The training was delivered by the team from the Public Health England (PHE). It was a fantastic opportunity to see and understand the process of electronically managing, referrals & tracking Newborn babies with SCD from birth.  This experience will help with my future plans of data collection in Nigeria.

On Friday 28th February 2020, I attended training on Managing Conflict with Colleagues and building better relationships, which was organised by the training team at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital and delivered by the Medical Mediation Foundation. Conflict is inevitable in any human organisation hence this training was a valuable opportunity to gain skills in resolving conflict which is vital for organisations to succeed and achieve their goals.

In the next two months of my secondment, I hope to successfully complete my data analysis training, make more presentations of my findings, attend the ARISE mid-term meeting in Paris and attend more relevant trainings.

When I return back to Nigeria, I hope to implement what I have learnt and achieved during my secondment in way which will make a positive difference to the ARISE programme in general and to patients with SCD in particular.