ARISE presented its first webinar “COVID-19 and Sickle Cell Disease: the current scenario” that was held on the 19th May (Session 1) and the 28th May (Session 2). More than 100 registrations were reported and over 120 participants attended the webinar from different parts of the world also including people not involved in the ARISE project.
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Save the date: COVID-19 and Sickle Cell Disease: the current scenario – session 2
The second session of the webinar, to be held on Thursday 28th May, 2020 at 04:00 PM (UK time), will be the occasion to discuss with some relevant experts in the field who will provide their experience in order to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the SCD population, drawing conclusions from both the US and Lebanon. The emotional impact of the disease and the current response of the community in the US will be addressed as well.
Save the date: COVID-19 and Sickle Cell Disease: the current scenario – session 1
We are pleased to invite you to join the webinar “COVID-19 and Sickle Cell Disease: the current scenario”, organised within the ARISE project. The first session of the webinar will be held on Tuesday 19th May, 2020 at 04:00 PM (UK time). Relevant experts in the field of the haemoglobinopathies will give their contribution to understand the impact of the COVID-19 on the Sickle Cell Disease population and to compare the current pandemic response from the UK, Italy and Ghana, outlining the lessons learnt.
Paediatric to adult transition care for SCD patients
The review “Paediatric to adult transition care for patients with sickle cell disease: a global perspective” aims to provide a global overview of the transition care practice and the baseline recommendations that can be adapted to local needs.
POSTPONED – Arise mid-term meeting
Due to the on-going concern about the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), this event is postponed. The ARISE MTM will be an opportunity to engage in a fruitful and constructive dialogue between the ARISE consortium and the Research Executive Agency (REA), including also the seconded staff members.
POSTPONED – 4th Global Congress on Sickle Cell Disease
Due to the on-going concern about the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), this event is postponed. The Global Sickle Cell Disease Network (GSCDN), a community of SCD clinicians, scientists and researchers, organises in collaboration with the French SCD Community, represented by Jacque Elion, the 4th Global Congress on Sickle Cell Disease on April 7- 9, 2020 at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.
International Pathology Day 2019
The Royal College of Pathologist hosted again this year the International Pathology Day, on November 13th, 2019, with the participation of people all over the world.
Save the date – Sickle Cell in Pregnancy and Childbirth
The study day “Sickle Cell in Pregnancy and Childbirth” will be held on the 29th February 2020 at the St. Thomas’ Hospital in London.
ARISE General Assembly in London
The official ARISE General Assembly has been...
ARISE presentation at the Foundation for Sickle cell Disease Research
13th annual SCD research and Educational symposium and 42nd National Sickle Cell Disease Scientific meeting
The ARISE team along with partner institutions...
Annual Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassaemia Conference
The Annual Scientific Conference on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia (ASCAT) will be held in London next 21-23 October 2019.
2nd ARISE technical meeting
The second official ARISE Project Meeting will be held in London next 24-25 October 2019. The meeting will be focused on ARISE project workplan advancements, as well as on secondments update, outcomes achieved and plans for the future staff exchanges.
Train-the-Trainer week, Abuja
A training week has been organised in Nigeria from 9 th to 13 th September at the University of Abuja, Nigeria.
Kick-off meeting of the ARISE project
The Crowne Plaza Hotel in Brussles will host the...