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Takeda organizes the 5th Rare Blood Day webinar on Thursday 24th September 2020, 16:00 – 18:30.

It aims to provide with educational sessions for healthcare professionals working in Haematology to raise awareness of rare diseases and learn about Haematological malignancy: Common causes from rare disorders, macrophage activation syndromes, ruling rare haematological conditions out as differential diagnosis, testing for non-malignant haematological disorders in the Genomic Medicine Service and a look at how to improve treatment options for patients with systemic Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) delivered by expert medical speakers.

Chair: Professor Derralynn Hughes, Clinical Director of Haematology and Oncology, the Royal Free Hospital and Professor in Haematology at University College London.

Please consider that this meeting is aimed at UK & Irish healthcare professionals working in Haematology.

For more information about the agenda and the registration procedure do hesitate to contact us.