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We are glad to announce a new series of ARISE webinars on iron overload and the use of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD).

  • Iron overload: an elusive complication in sickle cell disease and thalassaemia” on 13th September 2023 at 3:00pm Nigerian time – GMT+1

It will be focused on the physiology of iron overload, how it is linked to blood transfusions, complications that can occur if left untreated and the importance of reliable measurements of iron overload to guide therapy.

  • MRI diagnostics of iron overload using the affordable, AI-trained method FerriSmart” on 28th September 2023 at 3:00pm Nigerian time – GMT +1

It will present the use of AI-technology to make MRI evaluations of iron overload affordable whilst still reliable. You will learn about the novel AI-trained method FerriSmart, how MRI diagnostics of iron overload work and how the new fully automated image analysis tool compares to the gold standard FerriScan.

Both sessions will be held by Professor Tim St Pierre, a biomedical physicist who has a strong research interest in the form and properties of iron in the human body and has helped develop diagnostic tools for the non-invasive measurement of iron levels in human tissues.  He is a Senior Honorary Research Fellow at The University of Western Australia and has a part time position as Chief Research Scientist at Resonance Health Analysis Services Pty Ltd.

Participation in the webinars is free, but registration here is mandatory. You will receive the link to join the webinars in due time

Feel free to share the link among your contacts who may be interested in joining the webinars.