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Miguel Brito
SC Member
Miguel Brito (PhD) is a Professor of Human Genetics and Research Coordinator of Health and Technology Research Center (H&TRC) and Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa (Portugal) and Principal Researcher rand Angola Health Research Centre. He participates in several research projects in the are of Sickle Cell Disease, including newborn screening, genetics and metagenomics.
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Join the HELIOS Webinar Series and Advance Your Knowledge on Haemoglobinopathies
The ARISE Initiative is pleased to inform you about the webinar series on haemoglobinopathies organised by HELIOS, the European network dedicated to raising awareness on haemoglobinopathies (HBs) and improving access to expert knowledge. As part of its efforts to...
Participate in a Study on Sickle Cell Disease Management in Nigeria
ARISE is conducting a questionnaire-based study, with the aim to map and analyse the organisation of the healthcare centres managing SCD in in relation with accessibility and readiness of specific health technologies (i.e., blood transfusion service, Magnetic...
An interview with a Sickle cell disease patient living in Portugal
Living with a rare disease like sickle cell disease is not easy. We asked a Portuguese patient to tell us about his experience with this disease. Read his story.