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Ramsey Msheliza Yalma

SC Member

Dr Ramsey Msheliza Yalma is a Senior lecturer and consultant public health physician at the Department of Community Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Abuja andTeaching Hospital, Nigeria. He is Medical graduate of the University of Nigeria and a Fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. Ramsey’s areas of professional interest include Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Primary Health Care.

He is the Lead researcher on the EU/ARISE project for the Nigeria team and the University of Abuja. He is also a steering committee member on the ARISE project.

In addition, Ramsey is co-researcher on the International Partnership Programme (IPP) Nigeria, a two-year research project being implemented under the Global Challenges Research Funds (GCRF). “Extending Nigerian health services to rural population using SatCom to strengthen health systems and improve health outcomes

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